What you're grateful for magnifies


People see what they want to see. What you focus on becomes larger. Lately I've been focusing of gratitude. The last few days I’ve been consciously grateful for everything I need being available right at my fingertips. Here's what I’ve noticed;

Yesterday as I rushed to finish my grocery shopping so I could make an appointment on time I realised I’d forgotten to grab some milk. this would mean I’d have to push the Evie and the trolley all the way to the other side of huge supermarket and back. Then I noticed a 2 L bottle of milk, perfectly formed, and still cold just sitting out of place on the shelf before me. Perfect. Evie had some bloomers that needed repairing and thinking I’d need to make a special trip to spotlight to get some supplies I checked my shoe-box of sewing stuff to find exactly what I needed. No trip necessary.

And then today, with Evie in a trolley at Masters this time I loaded up the car and buckled Evie in, realising I still needed to return the trolley, such a mummy brain! I didn’t want to leave Evie in the car on her own and it’s such a hassle to get her in and out of the car seat. I looked over and noticed the parking space right next to mine already had two abandoned trolleys in it. It was like the universe was inviting me to add my trolley to the line up and be on my way. I love this flow.

You know what else I’ve noticed? A conscious effort to be grateful makes being grateful easier. Gratitude snowballs. I find myself habitually being grateful for more and more, I become conscious of blessings in the little things. it kinda feels like a big warm heart opening hug. When starting a gratitude practice ( or restarting a gratitude practice.... like all things my practice ebbs and flows) at first I find I need to mentally search for things to be grateful for, and I don't necessarily feel it in my body. After a few days however gratitude becomes a whole body feeling, and it's joyous.