A healthier you is within reach
Naturopathy is a health program that uses herbal and nutritional therapy to gently encourage your body's innate ability to heal and achieve optimum health.
No matter what’s going on for you health-wise, there are changes you can make, and herbs you can take, to help your body function as well as possible. Pain and discomfort can be considerably reduced or resolve altogether. And when your body functions well, you function well, and then life functions well. Hello flow, hello happiness, hello Joy.
Consults take place in the South Fremantle clinic or online to examine your diet, discuss your lifestyle and all of your symptoms and health worries. Together we come up with a plan and a prescription that may include herbal medicine, nutritional supplements and lifestyle practices such as exercise, relaxation and stress relief that stimulate your own innate healing mechanisms and nourish your body and soul.
Naturopathy is excellent for helping with
Gut health and digestive issues
Auto-immune conditions
Hormone issues, fertility and pre-conception care
Thyroid concerns
Skin health
Mood and mental wellbeing concerns
Weight management struggles
Bringing your body back to wellness takes a little time so ww have regular appointments, perhaps fortnightly at first, to make sure you’re on the right track and adjust the prescription as needed. The first consultation usually takes an hour with follow ups taking between 30 and 40 minutes.
Whatever your health journey looks like right now, together we can tailor a program that brings you back to vitality.
What you can expect from a consult
We will discuss your health, your health goals, what’s important to you, the way you want to feel and figure out how we’re going to make that happen. Appointments take 60 minutes initially and then between 30 and 45 minutes thereafter.
You can expect a personalised health plan and prescription including all or any of the following
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicines are the original medicines, and in fact 70% of pharmaceutical medicines in use today are based on herbal medicines. This is because plants are made up of some pretty similar stuff to us, at a molecular level, and the phytochemicals (plant-chemicals) they produce interact easily with our own body chemicals, gently inspiring your own body to heal and balance.
Nutritional Medicine
The stuff your body needs to thrive comes from the earth (food), the sun and the river streams (water) Nutritional medicine encompasses your diet and uses evidence based practice to concentrate specific nutrients into pills and powders for easy consumption and effective, long term healing with minimal side effects.
Food as Medicine
Figure out which foods have the right medicines for you and add them into your diet. All the inspiration you need in my recipe gallery.
The Sacred
There’s an undeniable heart expansion perceptible when you honour your spirit. Allowing space for stillness, feeling into the present moment, noticing what exists in the spaces between your breath, and bringing it into focus heals on levels we can’t yet measure. Expect recommendations and resources to honour your spirit.
So what’s a naturopath anyway?
My mother never took me to see an alternative healthcare practitioner of any sort. If I hadn’t become so fascinated in nutrition and turned to google one day I may never have found out. Now I’m truly passionate about naturopathic medicine as a well rounded, affordable and effective health care with real value for everyone in our community. To put it simply, a naturopath uses herbal and nutritional science to get you healthy, and ideally, Super healthy. We see you for about an hour or maybe two, depending on the practitioner. We have a good long chat, we look at your blood tests. We’ll talk about your diet, your lifestyle, and then we discuss nutritional, herbal solutions that are chosen based on your individuality to help you and your body gently heal and reach optimum health.
Does herbal medicine actually work?
Yes herbal medicine absolutely works and is a wonderful tool for helping the body to heal. There are thousands of studies proving herbal medicines are effective in many different conditions. Plant medicine is 100% natural and organic, just like you are. Our bodies have a natural affinity for naturally occurring compounds, be they nutritional or medicinal. Just think about how good you feel after a vitality giving green juice compared to an artificially coloured, flavoured and sugared up refreshment. Your body can assimilate the goodness in an earth created product much easier.
Naturopaths and Doctors
Modern naturopathy combines evidence based science and modern testing techniques with traditional knowledge and health care. Naturopaths help you heal and repair back to a level of optimum health.
Your naturopath may refer you back to your doctor for testing and diagnosis of a suspected condition. Once diagnosed, we will work with you and your doctor to give you the best, well rounded, health care possible.
Gentle nurturing to help your body heal itself
Naturopaths are trained to help you with any medical condition, and treat based on the whole person, rather then individual symptoms. Naturopaths are great for dealing with chronic conditions such as allergies and auto-immune disease. The aim of naturopathic medicine is to get to the source of the problem and heal you from the inside out.
Case Study: Sally has eczema on her hand
Sally goes to her GP with eczema who prescribes her a corticosteroid cream, a potent anti-inflammatory to make the symptoms go away. It works quickly and her skin clears. However once she stops using that cream Sally’s eczema comes back. She is frustrated and feels like she’s going round in circles. Sally doesn’t want to use the cream long term because she knows continual use of topical steroids thins the skin, weakens the bodies innate ability to heal, and also may interrupt her natural hormonal balance.
Whole Body Healing
Sally see’s her naturopath and is prescribed a herbal anti-inflammatory cream to protect the inflamed skin and lessen symptoms, without any side effects. Her naturopath takes a full health and diet check, and identifies possible lifestyle factors that may be contributing to her skin condition. Together Sally and her naturopath eliminate irritants from the diet, and treat Sally’s digestive system and detoxification pathways. After 6 weeks the eczema has healed on its own, and after 12 weeks Sally is able to reintroduce some of the irritant foods with no re-occurrence of symptoms. Sally also has lost a little weight, is sleeping better and has more energy
Naturopaths have Science Degrees
It takes four years study in a full time science degree to graduate as a degree qualified naturopath.
Time to talk:
A consult with your naturopath takes an hour initially, and an average of 30 – 50 minutes for each consult thereafter. These long consults are an opportunity to really explore your health and lifestyle thoroughly and identify ways and means to improve your experience of living. Your health is important and often the value of having someone to really listen to you rather then rush you out the door can be priceless. The act of talking and being heard is often quite healing in itself. A naturopath gives you the benefit of being heard by a scientifically trained expert in herbal and nutritional medicine, who can really give you solid strategies for achieving your health goals.
Healthily Yours
For the sake of better health, I want you to think seriously and honestly about what habits are impacting negatively on your health and what can you can do to avoid those triggers.