This weeks full moon on the 9/9 was a weird one. I was bringing up old energy from the past all over the place. There were vivid dreams that involved old boyfriends, unrequited love and resurfaced childhood emotional-neediness. Stuff came up that I thought I had resolved years ago.
Old destructive habits reared their ugly head and I ended up with an acute stomach condition that started on Saturday afternoon. I thought it more then coincidental that I was having issues with my stomach- the meridian of earth and nurturing- while simultaneously feeling emotional pain for a lack of nurturing (that old unresolved emotional neediness I touched on in the last paragraph).
I’m not really an astrology gal though I do occasionally enjoy the musings of astrologer Anne Ortelee. She wrote Saturn’s prescence in Scorpio will throw us back to between the ages of 16 – 23 for the week leading up to the full moon.
Yep, this is where I went, back to my 16 year old self with emotional angst, and I even had a strange craving for playing video games, something I haven't done since my teens.
Yes I felt I had digressed.
In search for answers I looked to the moon mavens I usually confer for comments on the lunar cycles, but they both have been silent this full moon. They weren't the only ones, I’ve been pretty damn silent myself.
The weather went absolute gang-busters all over Perth, wild winds and bucket loads of rain descending down on us, shaking us and confining us indoors hoping the windows don’t break in and the roof doesn’t blow off.
My sickness stirred and grumbled in my tummy for a few days, building. It felt my large intestine was inflamed and red sore. The wind battered and howled outside as did the wind inside. Whoa man.
I’m not going to share the finer details of my food poisoning incident, trust me, you don’t want to hear it. But eventually after a couple of day of stirring, growling and causing pain, I literally let everything go. I purged, I cleansed, I slept, and then I was healed.
The night of the full moon itself went by almost without notice. A thick cloud covering hid if from view. It was apparently completely full at 9:39am, when it was daylight and blocked from vision by the rotation of the Earth .
Out of sight out of mind, no one has mentioned the moon to me this week. I think about this time the words drained, spacey and withdrawn come to mind. I even forgot to put crystals out, I watched a webinar that went late and went to bed.
The following morning I rose and gathered my rocks and jewellery, placing them in the garden bed with intentions of cleansing. Ready to take responsibility for myself once more.
I’m a big believer that each new experience brings with it an opportunity for growth.
My emotional drama and my physical illness heighten the importance of a letting go, letting go of emotional crap that comes up and threatens our productivity and success, because lets face it, it’s just not worth dwelling in a place of zero creation and stagnant growth.
So recognise your troubles, the ones that hold you back, and let them go. The full moon is the perfect time to let go of unnecessary baggage, habits that no longer serve you, and beliefs that keep you stuck.
Let go so you can move ahead
Physically expressing your intention to let go of an emotional pain or memory that you no longer need to hold on to through ritual is one of the most powerful thing you do to begin your healing journey.
I was going all gung-ho at writing my own releasing rituals when I realised the gorgeous Karina Ladet (she pops up a lot for me lately, I think she’s becoming a muse) had already listed some gorgeous releasing rituals in her 7 days to a more intuitive you course and sent them to me this very week. This list combines my releasing rituals with Karinas because her's are so good.
- Sweat it out, go nuts on the punching bag, go for a jog, whatever form of exercise you love to do, move through the movement and forward into life.
- Write it out, write a letter about what it is you don’t need and don’t want, and tear it up, burn it, throw it into the sea. Release.
- Meditate: Visualise yourself is a beautiful forest (I love this visual) all the trees and birds are in support of you, it is a very loving place. You come to a circular clearing and a flower meadow. In the centre there is a fire contained in a sizeable circular stone fire pit, with golden symbols engraved in the stone. You understand that this is a very cleansing fire. You then take your burden, which is in a dark bulky sack, it feels heavy, and drags you down. You gather your strength and heave it from your heart into the fire. You feel strong, and light. You watch the sack transform into ash and smoke, the smoke twirls into the air, the sack is no more. You are light and free. You take a moment to feel gratitude for all of your blessings, all of your loved ones, and your comfortable home. You then become aware of a drumming circle and tribal dance. It’s time to celebrate. You join in and dance to the beat of the drum, feeling complete freedom, love and support.
- Ask your guardian angels/God/Jesus/Buddha/idol of choice to take it away and dispose of it (that easy hey)
- Find a stone, pebble, or a piece of wood. Hold the stone (or whatever) and visualise you need to let go of, breathe it into the stone and ask the stone to carry it away. Toss the stone over a cliff/into the river/out the car window, wherever you feel is best.
- Go for a swim in the ocean and imagine your sorrow washing away with the cleansing waters
The full moon is a time to let go of your shit. LET IT GO. Even though the day may have passed this month, the waning moon is a closing energy, a winding down and releasing to make way for the new moon two weeks later, where everything begins afresh.
Shiatsu Massage and Flower Essences are a wonderful tools for releasing and overcoming fears and emotions. And so is talking through stuff, and balancing your hormones. I’m available for Shiatsu massage and Naturopath appointments and I love to help. Give me a holler.

For the sake of better health, I want you to think seriously and honestly about what habits are impacting negatively on your health and what can you can do to avoid those triggers.