Hot tip for next time you feel a sore throat coming on
/Sage, thyme, rosemary and Garlic are all antiviral and high in antioxidants
Last time I was unwell I made up an immune blend - sage, thyme, elderberry, olive leaves, nigella. All European plants. All with anti-viral and antioxidant properties. I particularly liked how some of the anti-viral heroes like echinacea and andrographis weren't included in this blend. I also liked how they're all common in Ireland and the UK, where my ancestry is from.
It's fun to see how different herb blends work together and be adventurous rather than always prescribing the same few herbs for the same problems based on habit and trends.
Saturday night on my way home with the kids from the halloween rollerskating session at Rolloways I started to develop a very sore throat. This was a week after my husband Andy had the same sore throat, which turned into a cold. The kids had been sniffling and Evie had even vomited twice. So we were unwell. I reached for this UK european herbal blend and also felt guided to smash Andy’s Armaforce, The famous Bioceuticals herbal tablet favoured by people everywhere, containing echinacea, andrographis and olive leaf wth vitamin c and zinc. I had a dose of armaforce with the herbal tincture every couple of hours. I woke up minus the sore throat albeit with a husky voice, and no snot has overcome me.
I'm just saying, herbs work.
Also a 50ml tincture blend of immune herbs only costs $11. It’s well worth it.
Read about 5 ways herbs help with cold and flu here.
Libby is a Shiatsu massage therapist and naturopath in South Fremantle.
For the sake of better health, I want you to think seriously and honestly about what habits are impacting negatively on your health and what can you can do to avoid those triggers.