12 of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet
/I’m always on a mission to eat the healthiest foods possible. Here’s twelve of the most nutritionally dense foods in our supermarkets and tips on how to eat them.
Read MoreI’m always on a mission to eat the healthiest foods possible. Here’s twelve of the most nutritionally dense foods in our supermarkets and tips on how to eat them.
Read MoreIt's completely normal to eat ultra-processed foods. Despite mounting evidence these foods are dire for our community health, none of the major food producers in Australia, or the world for that matter, are making changes, and there's little in the way of government support to educate Australians on making better choices.
An ultra-processed food often resembles a natural product but on closer inspection it contains substances that have been extracted from foods. They have ingredients that are synthesised and not available to the home cook. Things like hydrolysed protein, gluten, invert sugars or additives and flavour enhancers. Have a look at the ingredients list on your packaged products; If you see ingredients you can't put in your pantry, you can classify it as ultra processed. These are different from traditional processed foods which include foods like cheese and sausages. These come from natural foods but have have been prepared with ingredients like oils, fats, sugars or salt. A whole food (not processed) comes directly from a plant or animal source and is not processed or prepared only with other ingredients that come from nature.
I'm a big believer in the bodies ability to heal itself and overcome adversity. Sure we can handle some of these foods, weekly, possibly daily in small amounts. It's not like we can NEVER eat them. Truthfully we've been eating these foods for years and we're ok, aren't we? Perhaps not.
A study gave one group of people access to a wholefood unprocessed diet, and another group access to only ultra processed foods. They were permitted to eat unrestricted, using their autonomy to decide when they were satisfied. The group that ate ultra processed foods consumed an additional 500 calories a day, while reporting the same level of satiety. Even more alarmingly, other research has shown that a diet high in ultra-processed foods lends itself to the development of a gut environment that favours the wrong kinds of microbes which produce a myriad of inflammatory disease. In other words, bad, disease causing gut bacteria flourish on an ultra-processed diet.
It is clear, over time, an ultra-processed diet will inevitably lead to weight gain . And while there's nothing wrong with a bit of meat on the bones, the low fibre and low nutritional value of a ultra-processed diet, coupled with the increased inflammation associated with obesity leads to a frightening list of illnesses including heart disease, dyslipedemia, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal illnesses and an assortment of cancers.
These are the salty, sugary fatty foods which are chemically formulated to be hyper-palatable and keep you reaching for more. This stuff is addictive. Ultra processed foods train you to eat more and more. Our children are learning how to eat on this stuff. Their little brains are developing neuronal pathways that prefer synthetic foods.
Kids are among the biggest consumers of ultra-processed foods. I'm guilty of feeding it to my fussy eaters also. Packaged breads, cereals and snacks for kids are amongst the biggest contenders. And actually, in high income countries, such as the US, UK and Australia, ultra-processed foods make up more than 50% of calories for the average person. That's scary. And we are not really to blame. The powerful marketing, high availability, cheap (often subsidised) prices and palatable nature of ultra-processed foods make them truly hard to avoid. Many are marketed as healthy, when they’re really not. Some are worse than others. Packaged bread, for example is ultra processed. A couple of slices of wholemeal toast amongst a diet of mostly natural foods is not as harmful as sugary, salty and fatty snacks morning noon and night. And conversely flour is considered an unprocessed food, but foods made of refined flour cause your blood sugar to rise steeply, and when on repeat day in day out, elevated blood sugars drive inflammation and disease. It is wholly possible to eat unhealthily on natural foods by baking flour, sugars and lots of fats together and consuming it all too frequently.
I'm not trying to guilt you into throwing out all the food in pantry. I am encouraging you to fight back one snack at a time with mindfulness. Choose to add in more natural foods, thereby crowding out foods that are not so wholesome. Endeavour to make meals from scratch in your own home. Teach your kids to cook. It takes a bit more planning but the rewards are delicious. What you eliminate from your diet is going to create the biggest gains for your health in the long term. Your body will thank you for it.
Fardet, A (2016) Minimally processed foods are more satiating and less hyperglycemic than ultra-processed foods: a preliminary study with 98 ready-to-eat foods. 7, 2338–2346.
Monteiro et al (2019) Ultra processed foods; What they are and how to identify them. Public Health Nutrition. Cambridge University Press
Naturopath and Shiatsu Massage therapist with a great wellness blog
An analysis of the clinical evidence regarding Andrographis indicates that it increases's immune response to pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and parasites, reducing the duration and severity of infection for minor illness.
The part of this story I am thinking about the most though, is the way my hand jumped when writing his name.
When a high-profile case like this becomes news, the language used by the media and the outspoken medical professionals is around holistic medicine being 'alternative' and not effective.
It’s extraordinary that I was present when my father passed suddenly. Mainly because we live on opposite sides of the country, and I’ve only seen my dad for a handful of days in the last 15 months. I have shared the story of our last day here.
Flowers are the fertile expression of plants, they are the nectar, they are creative manifestations of divine love and life force. Flower essences capture the subtle healing properties of flowers in a safe and affordable way. It’s incredibly easy to make your own flower essences, and you can do so safely with any flowers you have in your garden.
This is a great example of how chemicals in many household cleaning and personal care products are assumed safe until proven harmful, when perhaps they should be assumed harmful until proven safe.
Both ultra processed foods and tobacco 'are legal, easily accessible, inexpensive, lack an intoxication syndrome, and are major causes of preventable death."
Some 'to-do's' have significantly more positive impact on your life than others.
This is a really simple, nourishing and easy one pot dinner, with plenty of protein and fibre and some healthy fat.
It's the kind of soup where you know you're looking after yourself with every slurp. The spices and ginger have some wonderful anti-inflammatory properties. It's inexpensive, easy, and counts as self-care points for the day.
A shiatsu at Wild Grace is a spiritual experience. Healing occurs in both physical and spiritual planes. A shiatsu involves breathwork, massage to physically manipulate and stretch muscles, and the use of healing sound to move energy out and through. At times I may guide you through healing imagery, and you may receive guidance from your spiritual support crew.
Here are some of most medicinal foods for your immune system, chosen for the phytochemical properties:
New research with some surprising new information on preventing and treating long covid, with some tips to make it accessible at home.
I’m always on a mission to eat the healthiest foods possible. Here’s twelve of the most nutritionally dense foods in our supermarkets and tips on how to eat them.
Have you noticed that you're gaining weight but don't think you've made any change to diet and lifestyle? Or it used to be easy to drop a couple of kg by cutting out snacks and exercising a little more but now that doesn't seem to be working. In fact, your jeans just keep getting smaller.
If you have chronic disordered digestive function, irritable bowel, weight gain, inflammation, low energy, autoimmune or chronic mental illness a thorough investigation into your microbiome can provide a very solid basis upon which to build a treatment plan and resolve your symptoms.
and maybe it was a missed opportunity to role model healthy self esteem and masterful life skills.
a gentle reminder to bring mindfulness to your dinner table and as an in-depth guide to how you can nourish yourself and your family with ease and joy.
Some herbs, like licorice, can interfere with the attachment of viruses to host cells and prevent their entry into the cell, helping prevent an infection from taking place.
I woke up minus the sore throat albeit with a husky voice, and no snot has overcome me.
Shiatsu is it's a combination of lightwork and deep physical manipulation of musculature. Rhythmic breathing and meditative music means you float out of the massage room feeling like you're walking on a cloud.
For the sake of better health, I want you to think seriously and honestly about what habits are impacting negatively on your health and what can you can do to avoid those triggers.